30 fingers&toes

"Are they triplets?" "No, I found the other one in the parking lot and thought, 'why not?'"

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Help Needed

As I was looking though the nitty gritty of my blog I noticed a few things needed updating. One of these things is my tagline for my blog. So since my creative side of my brain seems to be dysfunctional at the moment I’m asking for suggestions!

What should my blog tagline be?

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I’ve been here a few times but have managed to find my way.  I find myself once again trying to decide if I really have anything to blog about that people actually want to read.  When we lived up North I had that to talk about.  It was fun to talk about because whenever we told people where we lived they looked at us like we were crazy!  So it was fun to give them our blog address and tell them to follow along in our “crazy” adventures.  Then came kids.  And I did my best to blog about pregnancy and a tiny bit about giving birth and then what it was like having new babies.  I would think that I should have plenty to write about as the kids grow up and I do, however I’m not sure I want to share that with just any one. 

And to be honest, who has the time.  I do, but I’d like to spend that free time with my family rather than in front of my computer.  I may not shut the blog down yet, but posts will be less frequent.

The kids are excited about the warmer weather finally making it’s return.  And this of course has us outside during most of the day.  We are riding our bikes in driveway, making beautiful chalk drawings or jumping off the rocks in the garden.  Trips to the park just around the corner where we can also watch the trains go by.  In the backyard the kids have their play structure and have also been told by our neighbours that they can use their play equipment too.  Fairly soon we should be walking Isabelle to school.  This will be interesting with the twins because it is a further walk to school than they are used to.  It can be a little hard to convince Madeline that walking Isabelle to school is a fun thing to do! 

Isabelle is doing well in her school.  She is picking up the French well.  I was worried about putting her into the French Immersion program at her new school because of how late she was entering.  She has managed better than I imagined.  I was/still am terrible with French so I’m over the moon happy that she is picking it up so well.  The other day she seemed a little sad and so I asked her if she was okay and she replied to me “Mom, I’m fatigue.”  It took me a little by surprise!  But I was proud that she was able to tell me in French!

Yesterday the kids and I decorated some eggs for Easter.  Instead of doing hard boiled eggs, I chose to poke holes in either end and blow the egg out.  The kids thought this was hilarious and I of course was wondering why I had opted to let them do two eggs each!!  They did a great job dyeing their eggs.  By the end of it Madeline had an orange had, Isabelle had a yellow hand and Aidan managed to get a bit of pink/purple on his!  The kids were happy to leave their eggs out for the Easter Bunny to see. 

The “Easter Bunny(s)” were up at 6:30 to hide the eggs around the house for the kids to find.  They made sure to close Jersey into the office so that she wouldn’t find the eggs before the kids.  Then left their empty baskets outside the kids bedroom doors.  One Easter bunny made herself a coffee and waited for the kids to wake while the other went back to bed to catch a few more zzzzz’s.  It wasn’t long after that the first bedroom door opened and we could hear the excited whisper’s about baskets outside the doors.  The girls were up first and were asked to gently wake Aidan to let him know what was going on.  They had a great time finding all their Easter treats!  Grandpa D came over just before lunch because the EB had also been to his place!  Needless to say that kids were thrilled at all their treats!

A quiet day is planned for tomorrow.  We have some friends coming for a visit and then hopefully we can spend some more time outside enjoying the nice weather!